I mentioned the young women representatives and the obvious enthusiasm they had for the LWML and joy they had in attending a convention of the LWML.  The National LWML established a committee on young women representatives.  There task was to –

  • Educate and inspire young women to strengthen their relationship with their Savior Jesus Christ.
  •  Establish a positive, joyful, and educational experience for the YWRs at the 2019 LWML Convention in Mobile, Alabama.
  •  Encourage districts to continue incorporating their Young Women in Mission in local and district events.
  •  Provide ideas for Youth in mission activities that encompass multiple generations.

Michelle Peterson, Kimberly Kuhlman, and Alissa Arndt were the young women representatives and they are outstanding and vibrant folks.  I was up on the dais when they were preparing to come up and make their presentation to the convention.  I was nervous because I was about to speak and it was gratifying to see that they were praying together as they got ready to tell everyone about their experiences and the LWML’s objective to “Lift High the Name of Jesus”.