So for our friends up in the North Country I found  this fascinating.  I am in Chiayi or Chiayi, Taiwan and it is on the Tropic of Capricorn that means the which means on the winter solstice the sun here is directly overhead.  How many times in Bismarck or Brainerd have you looked at how far the sun is to the South and wondered if it would ever travel back North.  This has been a particularly bad winter and to be here is a treat.  Weather is warm and just a bit humid but very nice.  Many of the folks here are wearing light jackets.

Anyway we landed in Taipei and traveled by bus for several hours and arrived at three in the morning and at 8 I had my first sermon.  Did well until the next day and then crashed.  Long fight and layovers and many interesting sights and sounds.  Part of what we’re doing here is dedicating a pilot Edition of the Chinese Lutheran Service Book.

More on that later.