On the left is Minnesota Speaker of the House Kurt Daudt.  On the right is Minnesota North District President Don Fondow.  Speaker Daudt gave a tour to Rev. Fondow and District Presidents Duane Lueck of North Wisconsin, and John Wille of South Wisconsin.  They are on the roof of the Capitol in St. Paul.

Speaker Daudt is one of the original Project 24 guys and was in Kenya two times in support of the program and also to help develop a video.  President Fondow has been to Kenya as well and entered into a mission agreement with the North Dakota District to build three centers.

Wille, Fondow, and Lueck

The District Presidents were in St. Paul for the Reformation Celebration at Concordia University.  President Matthew Harrison was the speaker.  As my old home town paper used to say; a good time was had by all.