One of the Mission workers in out partner church in Germany, the SELK, wrote and article about the work going on among the immigrants that are moving to that country.  He says that a lot of people come up to him and say, “I’m not a Christian but….” and then they want to help with something or give a donation.  Well, let him tell the story……

 Every time people came to me with this little introduction: “I am not Christian, but….” I have a feeling of warmth in my heart. This is because people who say this are on the road to Bethlehem! They have seen the star of Bethelehem and are somehow on their way to Jesus Christ! The wise men in the Christmas narratative were no different. In a very curious way, they heard about the star of Bethlehem by means of astrology. These wise men were complete outsiders. They were not even Jewish. Similarly the shepherds on the fields were outsiders and had little hope of climbing the social ladder. But then the heavens were opened above them and they too could see and understand what it means when God seeks his own. They were to become the first Christian witnesses! How wonderful to see God choosing his people from those who have no hope of belonging! In the Asylum home in Saxony we could once again see the miracle of Christmas. 6 different nations were seated on one table enjoying a meal prepared in the Persian, Vietnamese and Iraki tradtions. WE ate together, talked together and expressed our sadness and hopes together. Those that do not belong suddenly get the feeling that I am part of a family! Those who believed they would never belong anywhere can experience a feeling of home coming!
That too is Christmas. The eternal God actually does not belong to our sinful world. And we certainly do not belong to his eternal kingdom. But He has made the impossible possible! The eternal God came to fellowship with us! He came to be part of us! “Do you know what a miracle we are seeing here today?” said the caretaker of the home in Elbisbach. Of course she meant the very fact that so many people who do not belong together were fellowshipping in harmony and eating from one table. Yes, I said to her. This is how Christmas always was. I imagine the wise men coming to Bethlehem and saying something like: „ we are not from here. But we also saw the star. May we pray to this king who said that He would also be our King?”  Actually this miracle happens again and again when each one of us has the privilege of kneeling in the presence of this king. Actually you our Lord are from another world and do not belong to my world at all. Actually I have no right to be in your presence. But you have made the impossible possible! You came to one like me. You have fellowship with me. Thank you Lord Jesus. You came to us. You are still coming and you will come again!
Hugo Gevers, Missionary

The first Christmas was about coming and seeing.  Then angels said to the sheherds in effect “come and see” and they went.  The star in the East told the Wise men to “come and see”.  This people may not be Christians but if they come and see, the Holy Spirit can work.  Here’s a song I wrote about evangelism, called “Come and See”

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