There is a lachrymose song that came out first in that depressing year of 1968. Then it was released again in the 70’s by all kinds of people.  It was written by Danny O’Keefe and had these memorable words –

Everybody’s goin’ away
Said they’re movin’ to LA
There’s not a soul I know around
Everybody’s leavin’ town
Some caught a freight, some caught a plane
Find the sunshine, leave the rain
They said this town’s a waste of time
I guess they’re right, it’s wastin’ mine.

Except for the line about L.A. this is an interesting song. There are new great lines about L.A.  Some wag on the radio said about the Trump announcement in Florida, where over a hundred thousand people showed up and slept outside in tents for two days to get in, that he hadn’t seen that many people living in tents since the last time he visited L.A.  There was a time when everyone did move to L.A. Maybe that is why it is a nightmare now.  If you have a lot of money you can stay away from the rats and the typhus but the City of Angels looks pretty seamy.

The song popped into my head this last week.  People are off to the lakes, weddings in exotic locations, conventions, family gatherings and birthdays.  I know when everyone is leaving or has left town when the traffic on the main drag fades away to nothing on Friday afternoons.  The parking lot at the chapel is empty by three.  Quiet descends for the weekend.

Today I received pictures of the breakfast served at the Renaissance Hotel in Mobile Alabama where the LWML Convention is being held.  Lots of people there.  I get pictures from some other friends of the wonderful meals they have in different places as they travel around and enjoy a kind of life on the road.  Gas prices are good and so the old road songs pop into my mind.  “Holiday Road” is a great one but don’t sing it in your head or you won’t be able to get it out.   And I got this –

Selfies of Halley Ulland and Tish Lopez who are members of my church and left town a while ago to go to London.  they sent me several pictures.  This one I assume is Westminster Cathedral but I am not sure and they didn’t label anything.  I have never been to London.

I sent them a message that I was glad for the picture.  At least I know they were in church.  I can’t say the same for all the others who left town.






