One of the grand old gentleman of our church body was Norman Nagel.  He talked a lot about things falling to pieces in relationship to ourselves and to God.

“When we throw ourselves against God, it is not God that falls to pieces. “In pieces” rightly describes our society and the people in it. Instead of wholeness, we have pieces, and particular pieces are picked up and treated as if they were wholes. Christ came to put the pieces together. They can’t stick together until they have been washed. Forgiveness washes clean and puts together, just as sin divides, separates, and shatters. Separation number one is from God, separation number two is from others, and separation number three is the going to pieces of a person.”

Meditations on that Biblical truth will be the theme of Lenten Devotions at Zion English Lutheran Church in Grafton and Trinity Lutheran Church is Drayton. The meditations are every Wednesday night beginning February 14th which is Ash Wednesday. There will be the impositions of Ashes and Communion. Services after that will be short meditations based on the theme, “Falling to Pieces”. Every Wednesday night from February 14th until March 24 will be a Lenten meditation. These are short, contemplative, quiet, services that are meant to allow Jesus to put us together again.