
 As I say over and over again we started this blog to show all the partnerships, connections, cross border migration of people and ideas, SNOW, and ways that we as two Districts in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod can show mercy.  I missed this when it was first shown to me and for that I am sorry.  The folks at Trinity in New York Mills Minnesota witnessed to the community and gave them a gift of a free turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Eve.  That is a neat idea.  No strings attached, just doing something for someone else because that is what we are in Christ.  The Pastor at Trinity is Kirk Douglas who was the Pastor in Gwinner, North Dakota and who invited me down for a presentation on mercy and Project 24.  At that time he had a mission a month that his congregation was supporting and I thought that was a great idea.  Anyway here is the announcement from Thanksgiving eve…….

Trinity Lutheran Church in New York Mills hosted their free Annual Community Thanksgiving Eve Meal on Wed. Nov. 27 from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. followed by a worship service at 7:00p.m. The meal included: Whole roasted turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, maple butter squash, creamy coleslaw, cranberry salad, flatbread and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. This year’s meal exceeded their expectations with a total of 519 meals served. 285 people enjoyed the meal at church and 234 meals were delivered or picked up. It was through the generosity of many people who give their time, talent and monetary donations that Trinity is able to share God’s blessings with so many people in the surrounding community.

You can contact the folks at Trinity and find out more about them at or