wolf pack

I have always been fascinated by Wolves.  In fact as I right this I am wearing a shirt from the International Wolf Center in Ely Minnesota.  I just have had communication concerning a family that call themselves “the Wolf Pack”.  They are a family that is desperate to get to Africa and begin mercy work.

I talk about trying to get the emphasis back on mercy a lot.  Maybe folks get tired of hearing it but usually in the mission field the great need with partner churches besides helping them train their own Pastors and teachers is help with mercy.  We pray, as Luther said because of our own and our neighbors great need.  Very often we cannot begin to understand or see the great need of our neighbors. Mercy work in our context is ideally done in close proximity to Word and Sacrament ministry.

Project 24 is a mercy operation which was always meant to take place in relationship to a local congregation and with the local churches participation and prayers and physical help.  We are well on the way to seeing that happen at all sites.  We are learning that partnerships need managers from both sides of the partnership.

Regional Directors in Africa have expressed a desire and a need for a project manager that focuses on mercy.  A missionary has been called and is hungry to deploy.  Last year we issued a call to Mr. John Wolf to be a Project Manager for Africa with a specific focus on mercy-related work across the region. The Wolf family is still in the partner-building phase of their work and have not yet deployed to Africa. They are anxious to go and the folks in Africa are anxious to get them there.  Their most recent newsletter and their page on the LCMS website is at http://www.lcms.org/john.wolf . I am told by folks on the ground in Africa that they  are in great need of their help on the field. and are so very eager to have them deploy.

I any of you have a desire to fund or adopt a missionary family please take the opportunity now go to the wedsite and help.  Congregations in need of a mission speaker should visit with Mr. Wolf and he would be glad to come and make a presentation.

To support the LCMS through the work of John Wolf, you may send a tax deductible gift to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Mission Central
P.O. Box 66861 -OR- 40718 Highway E-16
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 Mapleton, IA 51034
Make checks payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or Mission
Central if you send your check there. Include “Wolf – Kenya” in the memo
line. Gifts can also be given securely online through the LCMS website at