One of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s most trusted and effective partners is the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. They are partners in mission and mercy. They are having their convention in Des Moines Iowa and I would encourage anyone who hasn’t been to a convention to go. Here is a part of the press release.
Men and women of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) from across the nation are registering for the 36thBiennial Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Convention to be held June 25-28, 2015, at the Iowa Events Center, in Des Moines, Iowa. Rooms are filling up and rumors have circulated that all hotels are full. This is not true! Extra hotel blocks have been added to the LWML list and, while these are not shown in the 2014 winter issue of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, many rooms are still available. Find additional hotel information on the LWML website. When making your reservation, identify yourself as desiring to make a reservation for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Des Moines in June. Ask for the LWML block of rooms and the LWML rate. The theme for this convention, “Bountiful! Sow ž Nourish ž Reap,” is based on 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV). Register, reserve your hotel room, and be prepared to sow, be nourished, and reap! More information is available on the LWML website.