1 Timothy 2:1First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men 2for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. 3This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,…

I wrote an article in which I wrote that I try not to listen to political news anymore because it makes me angry and the opposite of tranquil and peaceable.  Her Paul says that the purpose of Government is to help us live quiet and peaceable lives.

Our Missouri Synod President Matthew Harrison said the our church is an incubator for good citizens.

The task of a Christian citizen and how the church should train them was tackled by a professor a while back.  Here is the opening of his article called “Training the Parish for Christian Citizenship”.

Several alternatives confront the local church. One is that it do nothing. “Preach
the Word” can be stressed to signify that the business of the church is to speak the
words of the Gospel and to fit men for the life beyond the grave. The difficulty
with this alternative is that it does not do what it claims to do. It does teach
citizenship. It can be the citizenship of quietism, which assumes that a Christian
does not really live in this world at all and should withdraw himself from all
participation in human affairs other than those demanded by staying alive. Or
“saying nothing” can breed a citizenship that is actually unchristian. It can
suggest a shuttle theory to the individual Christian believer, that he swings back
and forth between a life at worship and in the congregation which is driven by
Christian motives, and a life under government and in the State which is driven by
worldly motives, fear of punishment, desire for security. Other alternatives
confront churches today. Much propaganda of the churches urges us to take sides
concerning political theory. Many churches are embroiled at the moment in a debate
on the principle of free enterprise as opposed to the State as the safeguard  of
the public welfare. This debate is accompanied by much mutual name calling of
“Fascist” and “Communist.” Congressional Investigation Committees jump into the fray
with gusto. What does the Church say about this? What should the local parish do for
its people about it?