church purposed by God

“Who would have thought God could find a way to save man from what he had coming after he had slapped God in the face with his unbelief and disobedience? Who would ever have thought that God would plan to sacrifice his Son as the substitute for the human race? Who would ever .have thought God would plan to use human beings like Paul to tell about the Savior? Who would ever have thought their message would have the power to make spiritual corpses alive? God did. When his plan unfolded and they saw what resulted the angels saw how wise he is. When we with them see God’s endless wisdom revealed in the creation of the church, we surely can be certain that our Savior‑God is able to supply our every need and solve every problem for us.”  Irwin J. Habeck, Ephesians: Amazing Grace (Milwaukee: NPH, 1985), page 64.

The church is eternally purposed by God to witness to governments and principalities and powers, the manifold wisdom of God.  (Ephesians 3)  The missionary enterprise at its heart, should have the purpose of establishing a church.