The Happy Band - 11 people jammed into a van

On the 2nd of February I met with the District Presidents of Minnesota North and North Dakota and members of the original Project 24 crew.  We talked about the trip we had just completed that was meant to give us some publicity photos and film and increase the support for the Projects we are working on as well as to give us a “feel” as to what works and what doesn’t on a trip like one that we want our young people to go on.  We talk about finances and the mission and mercy emphasis of what we are trying to do.  We are helping with the projects of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya, but in many ways I feel that these trips are their “outreach” to us.  We learn as much from them as we offer.  We talked about the conventions and interest that there seems to be in these trips and what that all means.  Then they got down to the business of choosing who would go on this next trip in June.

We had a lot of applications.  The choices were difficult.  All the applicants were worthy and I want to stress that if you applied I hope that you keep our application on file and you will considered for the next trip in January.  There are some people that can go because of their schedules in January and please let it be known if you can do that.  The choices were made and all of you should know soon as to whether or not you were chosen for this round.

Those who thought of applying and didn’t should consider doing so – wouldn’t you like to be a part of a “happy band” like those in the picture?

Jammed into the van are from forefront to rear – a driver and the local Pastor and me.  Representative Kurt Daudt from Minnesota North, Deaconess (I hope her name is Elizabeth) I am terrible with names, David Chu Chu.  Kyle Novak and (I hope her name was Monica), Cheryl Peterson Minnesota North LWML President, Annie Pitschka, and Stephanie Erlandson