I published this a year ago and every time this date comes around the vents are as fresh in my mind as they were then and the day they happened.  I always think of those that were there and experienced it.  I pray for them today as well.

In the April 19th blog I talked about the privelege of being at the 9/11 site and participating in the memorial with the familes.  Because of some work and grants that LCMS World Relief and Human Care gave we had many people that wanted to thank us and express their appreciation.  Some of the fireman obviously didn’t know who we were but would see our badges and say in that New York accent – “you da one’s that helped us”.  It was gratifying to be thanked by those I wanted to thank.

As we remember those events and the innocent who died, let us also remember those who served in their vocations and lost their lives in trying to save others.  Then let us pray –

Heavenly Father, God of all concord, it is Your gracious will that Your children on earth live together in harmony and peace. Defeat the plans of all those who would stir up violence and strife, destroy the weapons of those who delight in war and bloodshed, and, according to Your will, end all conflicts in the world. Teach us to examine our hearts that we may recognize our own inclination toward envy, malice, hatred, and enmity. Help us, by Your Word and Spirit, to search our hearts and to root out the evil that would lead to strife and discord, so that in our lives we may be at peace with all people. Fill us with zeal for the work of Your Church and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which alone can bring that peace which is beyond all understanding; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.