A  Study of the book of Revelation will be taking place among us and our folks seem to be excited about it. I’m going back and looking over some commentaries  and found in Martin Franzmann’s commentaries that he spends a lot of time on Martin Luther’s reaction to the book.  A great question is asked – Is Revelation, in form, so strange, bizarre, and undisciplined that we can find no real access to it? (As Luther put it in his Preface: “They are to be blessed who keep what is written therein [1:3], and yet no one knows what that is, to say nothing of being able to keep it; so that it amounts to the same thing as not having at all what is in the book.”)

Luther, of course like all of us, matured and found the book had much to commended as he grew older.  I have learned to appreciate the image of the Lamb who was slain and because he was slain he ransomed men for God.

More later……