On the 20th I wrote about the thanksgiving dance that David performed as the Ark came into Jerusalem and we read that there were blessings given to the  people but David was unable to bless his own house because of the anger caused by his exuberance.

David’s thanksgiving dance caused an upheaval in his own household that would last for a long time.  He danced because God had chosen him and that acknowledgement of grace put everything else aside, even dignity.

God in His mercy chose us before the foundation of the world to be Holy and blameless before Him and that choosing of us made for a loss of dignity for the Son of God who was made sin for us so that we might be the righteousness of God.  For the “joy set before Him” Jesus endured the cross and despised the shame.  He laid His dignity aside and became a curse and a byword for us.

He chose me and He chose you and here is a song I wrote about that.