julie-tumaianiWant to remind everyone this holiday season of Julie McManus.  She was one of the Project 24 Mary Okeyo travelers and she is from Minnesota.  After her experience on the Mary Okeyo trip Julie decided to be a GEO missionary to Kenya and has been working with Project 24 children and our missionaries there for a year and a half.  GEO means globally engaged in outreach and GEO missionaries go for 2 years.  Julie has 6 months left and as a network supported missionary she has to raise her own support.  Julie’s support is almost gone and she could use a few gifts to help her stay and serve.  The best and fastest way to help Julie is to contribute to her support at http://lcms.org/givenow/mcmanus

Julie has been an asset to the team in Kenya and we need her there so thanks in advance for what you cam give.