
I am amazed at the political climate that we are in.  There are people who live in fear and one politician has pointed it out while the other side says it is not that bad and the media says it cannot imagine what is being talked about.  “Where is the dystopian nightmare that some have described?”, they ask.  Well, it is not on beautiful planes or gated communities or limousines, but the inner cities and many small towns that never saw crime before and now are invaded by new comers who don’t live by the same rules.  There are places were people do live in fear and wonder how they can get to a store safely, or how long they can be gone from their homes before someone breaks in.  There are places where policeman fear to go.

The Bible talks about another kind of fear.  “Working out or accomplishing, or finishing our salvation in fear and trembling means that we live as God’s person in this world doing the good works he prepared for us to do.  12Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 13For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good pleasure.…(Phillipians 2).  It means “Take advantage of the right moment, grasp the opportunity to approach opportunely those who despise God and Christ, to get a hearing for the divine Word, to get in some good work and accomplish something for the Lord.” (Stoeckhardt)