Un loading supplies from ingatherings.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel abroad throughout the last couple of years. Though I have had many fantastic experiences, my trip to Kenya can’t necessarily compare to my past experiences. While in Kenya I was constantly faced with similarities from my trip to Thailand and Cambodia (such as different food, different languages, looking differently than those inhabiting the country). Though there were many similarities, I also noticed one HUGE difference from the moment we began our journey as a team, I felt God’s love through all of the people I met and spent time with. I felt His love at the rescue centers, at the schools, in church, at the guest houses. I felt His love while receiving hugs from kids after spending a day with them at the Bible Club. I felt His love when Dean fell ill and people came together to comfort and aide him. I felt His love while walking into the homes with the Deaconesses, where a family may have had nothing but their faith and that was all they needed. Over and over again, I was amazed at Christ’s love that was exhibited through His people in Kenya. On my past trip I would bring out my Bible for my devotion and spent that time in silence with personal reflection. On this trip, I got to join the other members of the team in a devotion twice a day, where it didn’t matter if we sang hymns or recited prayers, because it was welcome wherever we were.
I know this trip came at the exact right time for me…Due to certain circumstances and life changes that I had been going through prior to this trip, I had a very tough time leaving home. I was really missing those that I love and the place I call home. I felt that I needed to be with people, that I couldn’t. I wasn’t able to talk to my loved ones often enough. But through all of this, God taught me a huge lesson… as long as God’s love is present in those that you are with, you are with family. I felt like I was part of a family while I was in Kenya, God’s family. The people we met referred to us as brothers and sisters in Christ, which is a term I’ve used before but never in such a profound way. Though we weren’t the same color or came from the same culture, we could still be brothers and sisters in Christ. What a comforting thing to learn at 22 years old…you have family everywhere.
-Bekah Marcis Jer. 29:11