Youth at Work at LCMS Youth Gathering
This from an advertisement on line that is meant for San Antonio consumption.
Over 5,000 high school youth from across the US and world are rolling up their shirtsleeves, donning the sunscreen and putting on a smile as they serve in our community. They are painting houses, mowing lawns, picking up trash, planting gardens, revitalizing neighborhoods, playing games with children and interacting with seniors!
Who are these committed volunteers? They are participants at the triennial Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod National Youth Gathering. This year’s Gathering is taking place in downtown San Antonio from July 1 – 5.
Even after our out-of-town guests leave, you can still find friendly Lutherans in San Antonio who are ready to lend a helping hand to their neighbors.
Good stuff and congratulations to the Youth. I wonder how many parents back home are wondering why they can’t get their kids to take out the garbage but……