psalm 50

Like everything else we start with God.

“The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth . . . our God comes and does not keep silence” (Ps 50:1, 3). God speaks and summons, he addresses the creation, he creates a community by his promise and waits for an answer. He waits for us to call upon him in complaint and praise and in this way to perceive his name and to take it seriously. He wants us to live in thankfulness to him and to praise him as our Creator…..

Ps 150). Whoever joins in this jubilation of the whole creation, the jubilation of the time framework of our human thinking and experience……..lives in that world which, as Bonhoeffer says in his song, “stretches invisibly around us”; he hears “your children’s highest songs of praises.”

Oswald Bayer