The story of Jesus cooking breakfast for the disciples in one of the post Easter appearances has always intrigued me.  It brings to my mind the saying from our catechism, that where there is the forgiveness of sins there is life and salvation.  Life had gone on after the Resurrection and it seems that the disciples are like the rest of us after a time.  Jesus rose and now what?  Let’s go fishing!

Zechariah’s song about his son and the One that he came to announce would bring about “knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins” (Luke 1:77). Such forgiveness is the ultimate judgment, the last word spoken over and to us in this world as we wait for something more. Indeed, it is the end of our waiting world and the beginning of the new, the end of this old age and the beginning of the new. In a world where we can still “go fishing” we are also called to fish for men.  In a world where we still have to get up and have breakfast we can also go our and feed the sheep and care for the lambs.  In the world of ordinary everyday drudgery there is still the miraculous.  Peter is assured of forgiveness at that breakfast and so are we. This fisherman fed by the Lord of life on a beach will soon be preaching to thousands of forgiveness and reminding them that where there is forgiveness of sins there is life and salvation