ilc pic

I received an email from President Matt Harrison last night.  After an International Lutheran Council meeting in Brazil, and the Brazil churches convention, He is visiting the church in Argentina.  He is staying with a Pastor named Truenow. He writes – “Pr ‘s Truenow family left Dakota in 1918 for Argentina. Names were Trinoff”.  It would be interesting to know if anyone remembers that family.  President Harrison mentioned no church but some of us have a pretty good collective memory.  Can you help tell us where the Trinoff’s went to church?

This is a picture of the ILC or International Lutheran Council.  The ILC Executive Committee containing representatives from around the world continues to meet in between attending the Brazilian convention. The ILC Executive Committee members (pictured above left to right): Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, ILC Executive Secretary; Archbishop Christian Ekong of the Lutheran Church of Nigeria and ILC representative for the Africa region; Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK), Chairman of ILC; President Egon Kopereck of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil and ILC representative for Latin America Region, President Matthew Harrison of the LCMS, ILC special guest; President Robert Bugbee of the Lutheran Church Canada, ILC Vice Chairman and ILC representative for the North American Region; Rev. Jon Ehlers, Chairman of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England and ILC representative of the Eurasia Region; Rev. Gijsbertus van Hattem, President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Belgium (ELKB) and ILC Secretary; President James Cerdinõla of the Lutheran Church of the Philippines and ILC representative for the Asia Region.

President Robert Bugbee of the Lutheran Church Canada, may be preaching at one of our churches this summer.  He is in Winnipeg and come down this way a lot.