lenkishon 3

This is another picture of the Lenkishon Project 24 site which is a joint project of the North Dakota and Minnesota North Districts of the LCMS.

“The progress is wonderfully impressive. I’ve not seen a construction project in Africa go this well in all the
years I’ve been here – thanks to Kissinger smoothing out all the constant wrinkles in the process.”  So said Shauen Trump concerning the Lenkishon Project 24 effort.  Wrinkles we know about.  Project 24 went along well for years and then the wrinkles started.  Mercy efforts are never easy and no one said that mission work would be easy either.  Jesus said that his disciples would be sent out like sheep among wolves.  Immediately upon entering into missionary or mercy projects there are those inside and outside the church who have a different idea or better approach.    Immediately funding issues come to the fore and questions arise as to allocation and “bang for the buck”.  Orphans and widows may not seem to offer the “pay off” that other projects might and on and on it goes.

Years ago a Pastor named Raymond Schulze preached a Sunday after the Ascension sermon based on the text from Matt 28;18, “all Authority in heaven and on earth had been given to me”  Schulze said,

The One who calls us to leave houses and family and money and lands for the sake of
His name is the same One who, “though He was equal with God, did not cling to His
equality with God, but emptied Himself, assumed the condition of a slave, and became
as men are; and being as men are, He was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death
on a cross.” The One who calls us to bear the burdens of sinners is the same One who
“bore our own sins in His body to the tree.” The One who calls us to plead the cause
of the poor for social justice is the same One who, at the Father’s right hand (that
is, everywhere) pleads our cause with the Father. The One who calls us to lose our
life for His sake is the same One who lost His life for our sake. The One who says
that we do not have to be anxious about what will happen to us tomorrow if we do
these things is the same One who makes it possible for us to lose our anxiety by
sending His Spirit to us today.