Al Colver is something of an artist as well as being the Church Relations Director of the LCMS.  We were at the Confessional Lutheran Leadership conference in  Peach Tree City Georgia and the evening service was at Faith Lutheran Church.  Al had taken a picture of the baptismal font and the image of the crucifix reflected from above.  Pretty amazing.  I would like to think that it is a fluke but my guess is that some pretty smart people worked to make this happen.  The image of Jesus seeming to to be about to dive into the baptismal font is not just artistically interesting, it is theologically amazing.

It is good theology whether it was a happy accident or not.  Luther used the image of Jesus diving, or sticking himself into the waters of baptism so that when we were baptized we pulled him out with us.

We should daily remember the baptismal prayer that was prayed over us and remember that in this merciful washing we are free to lead a merciful life.

Almighty, Eternal God, Who, according to Thy righteous judgment, didst condemn the unbelieving world through the flood and, in Thy great mercy, didst preserve believing Noah and his family; and Who didst drown hardhearted Pharaoh with all his host in the Red Sea and didst lead Thy people Israel through the same on dry ground, thereby prefiguring this bath of Thy baptism; and Who through the baptism of Thy dear Child, our Lord Jesus Christ, hast consecrated and set apart the Jordan and all water as a salutary flood and a rich and full washing away of sins: We pray through the same Thy groundless mercy, that Thou wilt graciously behold this and bless him with true faith in spirit, that by means of this saving flood all that has been born in him from Adam and which he himself has added thereto may be drowned in him and engulfed, and that he may be sundered from the number of the unbelieving, preserved dry and secure in the Holy Ark of Christendom, serve Thy Name at all times fervent in spirit and joyful in hope, so that with all believers he may be made worthy to attain eternal life according to Thy promise; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.