I had the privilege of playing “Fagin”  in our high school production of “Oliver”. There were 16 boys that played the Artful Dodger’s gang and so I had to spend a lot of time rehearsing with them. By the time I was made up to look the part I was something in between Gandolf in the “Lord of the Rings” movies,  and one of the extras in the “Walking Dead”.   What made this production interesting was that my brother was one of the artful dodgers gang.  That is him on the left with arrow and me on the far right.

I found this going through some of my mother stuff. We are finally going to bury her Friday in Bottineau.   I always wondered why she saved all the stuff and I have to admit coming across some of the stuff is really kind of fun. It brings back a lot of memories. The problem is seeing this picture I realize Idon’t need make up today to look like Fagin.