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Christmas at the Life Skills Training and Transition Center is always a special time.  Never mind that Joseph had a Minnesota Viking emblem sticking out of his robe, there is an exuberance at this time of the year that has nothing to do with glitter and wrapping paper.  It boils down to the recognition of love.

Jeremiah 31:3  The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love;  I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” 

1 John 4 –  “God is Love,”   God not only has love, as human beings, but He is Love altogether, a great, big fire of love, reaching from heaven to earth and back again, from eternity to eternity, Jer. 31, 3. This great and marvelous love to us God did not keep hidden and covered up, but He has manifested it, v. 9. God has manifested His great love to us already in the creation and preservation of all things, especially by creating us so wonderfully, by giving  us so many good things in life for our sustenance and enjoyment, Acts 14, 17; Luke 16, 25a; Ps. 104, 24. But proof supreme of God’s great and adorable love we have in the work of redemption, vv. 9. 10. The love of God manifested and revealed to us here is great indeed.  Because of the tremendous sacrifice it made. All true loveis manifested by sacrifice. What greater sacrifice could God have made?

He sent His only-begotten Son into the world, v. 9, had Him. become man, a very lowly man, put Him under the Law, had Him. suffer and die and endure all the curse of the Law for us.

CTM Commentary on the Eisenach Epistles