stephanie and award

Stephanie Erlandson received a Student Production Award.  I’m not sure if I can use the word but look at the picture and the background banner and you can see what it was.  This is a big deal.

This year, the NATAS – National Academy of Theater Arts and Sciences, Upper Midwest Chapter received 200 entries from 30 different high schools and colleges/universities from across our region!  Liz Collin from WCCO-TV hosted the award ceremony and presented Crystal Pillars to the recipients.  The awards are presented to the schools for promotional purposes to encourage students to pursue the media arts.  Here is the way it was listed -Long Form: Non-Fiction

Project 24 – Bethany Lutheran College  

  • Stephanie Erlandson, Producer
  • Christopher Johnson, Advisor

I am very proud of Stephanie and will write more later but right now this is great news.  Congratulations Stephanie.  All the travelers from that first Mary Okeyo shake down trip should be proud because you helped with production.