rev 21

Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither has it entered the heart, what great things God has in store for those who love Him.  That is what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2.  The Revelation Epistle lessons after Easter have been talking about it.  New life with God forever.  No more sighing, tears or pain.  No more sin, or death because all the old things have passed away.  Martin Franzmann asked a great question and then gave a great answer –

Are such high promises believable for man living in this world? Are they believable, above all, for the tried and dying church? Here (and here only in Revelation), where the promise is most extravagant, God Himself is introduced as speaking. He who once “spoke, and it came to be,” at the first creation (Ps. 33:9), now speaks again, affirming His final creative work and assuring the afflicted prophet of the
suffering church (cf. 1:9) that the words the prophet is empowered to utter are a divine word, to be trusted and believed. 6 When God speaks, His speaking is an accomplished deed; with Him there is no gap between promise and fulfillment, for in the alphabet of the world’s history He is the first letter (“the Alpha”) and the last (“the Omega”), cf. 1:8. His will controlled the beginning, and it controls the end. And that will is grace. To those who are thirsty, to those who need Him and are dying in their need, He gives— with a free generosity that is measured only by their need of Him— the life–giving waters which only He can give. (Cf. Ps. 36:9)