GOD IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN GIVE PEACE EVEN WHERE THERE IS NO PEACE …And I will give you rest from all your enemies. Moreover, the Lord declares to you that the LORD will make you a house. 2 Samuel 7:

When I was young, my parents were living in South Sudan in a place called Tambura in Western Equatoria; they were committed Christians. When hearing of wars from my parents, I could not understand who protected them through all the war they were talking about.
All of us, from the beginning, live in sin; the result of sin is only death, and it is what we were supposed to deserve from God. The love of God for humans is His special love and mercy for those created in His image. From the beginning He promised life and salvation through His beloved Son Jesus Christ, the Lord of Advent, the time we rejoice in our Savior’s coming in the flesh.
Advent is coming; who is coming? The Lord Jesus is coming to redeem you!! David was living in rest from his enemies and planned to build a special house or tabernacle for the Lord. In this Advent Season may our hearts be made ready for the Lord’s coming by His Law and His saving Gospel.
Mercifully hear O Lord, the prayers of Thy people, that, as they rejoice in the advent of Your only-begotten Son according to the flesh, so when He comes a second time in His majesty they may receive the reward of eternal life; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen