State of Project 24 Forum
Project 24/Christ’s Care for Children-Kenya (CCC-K) is a church operated school-based boarding facility program for vulnerable children in Kenya, planting Gospel seeds through mercy and human care to children who are in need of care and protection.

Project 24 (P24) has six operational boarding facilities, whose main stakeholders are Evangelical Lutheran Church Kenya (ELCK) and Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).  The two church bodies are mission partners working towards the common goal of serving our Lord Jesus Christ and raising children in a Christian environment.  The six P24 facilities include Udom, Tumaini, Rongo, Othoro, Lenkishon and Nyambiri.

The annual P24 Forum will be held February 21-22 at Tumaini.  P24 stakeholders come together to promote good stewardship and accountability, learn from each other, share experiences gained and promote a sense of teamwork with an aim of perfecting
the project.\ ELCK officials including the Archbishop, Diocesian Bishops, National Development Director and Treasurer attend the Forum and hear reports from the six site managers and other officials.  The Forum is facilitated by P24 Director John Kissinger Nyang’au with LCMS Africa field office leadership and staff also attending to receive the individual site information reports.  Check out the link