There is a discussion to be had and it may as well begin as, to how Christians should respond to the world around us especially in times of crisis.  We have been discussing on these blogs that many folks have been watching cultural clues as to how society reacts to various issues since it has tried and in many way succeeded in getting faith and religion out of the discussion and the action.  One can imagine from the way movies were made a few years ago that during that time churches would have been the first place governors would send the members of their States, rather than the first places that they would shut down.

There was a time when churches and faith based organizations were seen, even by the health care community, as a part of the solution not part of the problem.

There was time when the social service agencies and health service worked hand in hand with the religious leaders.  Those times are over,  We can cry about and complain, but the truth is, the powers that be are treating Christians exactly like Jesus said we would be treated.  The church which was looked to for giving clarity in chaos is now looked at as causing some of the chaos.  Pastor Mark Barz wrote an article called “Clarity in Chaos: The Care of Souls in a Possible or Probable Time of Dystopia”.  Barz quotes two books in the section below – one is Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyon and the other is by Anthony Esolen called “Out of Ashes; Rebuilding American Culture”  Washington District of Columbia Regenery Press, 2017.  Esolen discusses the play between Christian faith in God the Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier and the powers that want to claim the office of the Triune God.  He writes –


How  should  we  then  live?  Esolen urges:  by  not  pursuing  “progress,” but  by  living  on  a  pilgrimage.  As  Pilgrim’s  Progress  asserts  and  reveals:
“Christian  is  not  Christian  unless  he is  on  the  pilgrimage.”  Pilgrimage involves  self-denial;  progress  promises  self-indulgence.  Pilgrimage  is the
way  of  the  cross;  progress  supposes  to  eliminate  suffering.  And Jesus  is himself  the  way  we  must travel (Matt 4:18–22; John 14:6). Esolen writes: The
pilgrim  knows  we  have  no lasting  home  on  earth  and  turns his  gaze  toward  heaven  above; the  progressive  believes  we  have no  lasting  home  in  heaven,  and turns  his  gaze  toward  earth,  to make  it  a  paradise  by  means  of technology  and  sheer  brute  force. …  The  pilgrim  calls  upon  God;  the
progressive  calls  upon  other  men, whom  he  suspects  or  despises, then  he  calls  up  on  technology, including  the  technology  of  government,  and
finally,  when  all  of that  breaks  down,  he  calls  upon wickedness itself.