JoNette Brogaard was elected as President.  Will try and get a list of other officers later.

Delegates selected the following mission grants for the 2012-2014 biennium:

1) Orphan Grain Train – $8,500

2) Scholarships for Full-Time Church Work Students – $50,000

3) Financial Support and Staff Training for Lutheran Island Camp – $10,000

4) Food and Clothing Co-op, Ft. Wayne – $10,000

5) Scholarships for Men Preparing for Ordination – $5,000

6) Vehicles for Pastors and Vicars in Haiti – $20,000

7) Christian Education at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch RRV – $5,000

8) Construct Classroom Building in Yambio, South Sudan (LHF) – $10,000

9) Christian Storybooks for SE Asia (LBT) – $1,000

10) Anyuak Ministry, Sauk Rapids – $5,000

11) Servant Events on the Fond du Lac Reservation – $5,000

12) Mary Okeyo Student Scholarship Fund for Travel (partial) – $5,500

This is amazing stuff and we thank God for the dedication of these women in Mission.